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ARC-O-LITE Curb Mounted pre-assembled plastic skylights manufactured by Architecturla Plastics Limited, Mississauga, Ont.; of size and type as per Model No. _______, complete with clear outer dome [clear] [white translucent] inner dome and insulated vinyl curb frame and pre-painted aluminum retaining frame.

Model # B x B (mm + ins.)
CMVDD2828 565 x 565 (22¼ x 22¼)
CMVDD2836 565 x 768 (22¼ x 30¼)
CMVDD2852 565 x 1175 (22¼ x 46¼)
CMVDD3636 768 x 768 (30¼ x 30¼)
CMVDD3642 768 x 940 (30¼ x 37)
CMVDD3652 768 x 1175 (30¼ x 46¼)
CMVDD3660 768 x 1397 (30¼ x 55)
CMVDD4242 940 x 940 (37 x 37)
CMVDD5252 1175 x 1175 (46¼ x 46¼)
CMVDD6060 1397 x 1397 (55 x 55)

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